Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
Printed Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Documentary on Sacred Groves
Name of PI and Affiliation:
The Headmistress, SSGHSS, Puranattukara, Thrissur
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 30,000/-
1 Year
Abstract of the Work:
The sacred groves in Kerala are the integral part of biodiversity and they played a major role in protecting air, water and soil. But the destruction of the sacred groves will be increasing day by day. The main objective of the project proposal is to prepare a documentary on sacred groves in Adatt Panchayth. The project will also create awareness among the people about the importance of protecting sacred groves.
Curriculum linked lifestyle practices to promote sustainable development
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Najeema Unnikamu, Assistant Dist. Co-ordinator, TSC, Thrissur
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 10,86,800/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
High school curriculum carries portions that impart knowledge in sustainable development. The project proposes to elevate the process of environmental education from mere knowledge level to developing skills and attitudes among children. It will provide a methodology to detect and design curriculum linked life style practices through experiential learning in sustainable development. The project will be done through consultancy and accepting technology from relevant institutions such as KAU, KFRI, engineering college etc. In addition to this appropriate survey practices will also be incorporated to identify and assess problems at user end then to suggest suitable remedial measures. Appropriate pedagogy to link relevant syllabus portion with natural resources and available technology will be developed for this purpose.
National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate change -Kerala Initiates
Name of PI and Affiliation:
The Director, CESS
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
1.63 Crores
Continuous project
Abstract of the Work:
The project involve the following components (i) land use and land cover change has linked to climate change in Kerala (ii) Green houses Monitoring (iii) Solar UV beta radiation and atmosphere trace constituent measurements (iv) Monitoring global change impact in Sahydri and (v) Sea level change and its index. The study also proposes to cover other sectors like agriculture, water resources, fisheries, health and energy.
Dendroclimatological investigations on Teak in Forest divisions of Kerala
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. E.V. Anoop, Associate Professor, Dept. of Wood Science, Kerala Agricultural University
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 9,98,800/-
3 years
Abstract of the Work:
One potential source of annual resolution paleoclimate data lies in dendrochronology, the science linking tree-rings to environmental conditions. Teak, being a ring porous species shows distinct annual growth ring patterns useful to study the paet climatic variations. The size, number, and distribution of vessels in a tree ring, of both early wood and the late wood portions or in the entire ring have been recognised as significant parameter in ecological and environmental studies. The main aim of the proposal is to analyse tree ring chronologies of teak to find out their dendrochronologic potential to assess the tree growth- climate relationship at the above sites. The experiment is proposed to conduct in the Wood Anatomy Laboratory of the Dept of Wood Science, College of Forestry. Teak tree ring samples will be collected from felled, wind fallen and dead trees which were removed from the teak plantations. Mean monthly rainfall and temperature will also be collected and the data will be analysed precisely using an increment measuring machine.
National Seminar on Safe and Toxin free Food Production and Consumer Protection in Kerala ‘Jaivasree Festival 2011’
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Chairman, Janasree Sustainable Development mission, Janasree Bhavan, Vazhuthacaud, TVM
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 5,00,000/-
5 days
Abstract of the Work:
Food is becoming a poison in Kerala with indiscriminate use of pesticides and chemicals by the producers, processors and traders. The practices are more widespread in vegetable and fruits. Even packed and branded items are also not safe. Consumers are helpless. Solution to the above problems to produce and distribute safe and toxin free food at sufficient quantities and reasonable costs to consumers of Kerala. The main aim of the project is to create an awareness, understanding and public acceptance of safe food production and consumption. It also proposes a platform to exhibit the food diversity, agriculture, share ideas on good food culture and food security.
Plant Wonders and Evolution
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. P.G. Latha, Director, TBGRI
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 28,500/-
5 days
Abstract of the Work:
The proposal consists of five hour lecture on diverse aspects of plant wonders including strange and bizarre and carnivorous plants, their mechanisms of catching preys and chemistry of entrapment, historical development of theory evolution and impact, life and letters of Charles Darwin and films on Galapagos Islands and carnivorous plants. It is an out rich programme for children conducted by TBGRI during 26th September 2007 at TBGRI, Palode. KSCSTE head quarters provided 50% expenditure for the programme.