Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
Printed Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Ecological studies of Aruvikkara reservoir (dam) with special reference to associated micro and macro flora
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. K. G. Ajithkumar, Reader, Dept. of PG & Research in Botany, M.G College, TVM
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 10,87,900/-
1 year
Abstract of the Work:
Kerala by virtue of its extensive geographical variations support a rich diversity of inland and coastal wetland ecosystem. Physiographically Kerala comprises of three zones- low land, middle land and high land that runs across the length of the state. An ecological study of Aruvikkara reservoir was conducted to identify a few macrophytes rich in biochemical compounds as well as trace matals for their wise exploitation in future. Water, plant and sediment samples were collected once in a month for a period of one year in selected stations.
Conservation of publically owned water resources (community ponds and temple ponds) in Ernakulam District
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. Aji. C. Paniker, Senior Scale Lecturer, Mar Athanius College, Kothamangalam
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 4,51,000/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
Water is a precious natural resource and its planning, development and management should be governed by national perspectives. The development and management of Water resources of a region has to evolve together with that of land and biomass giving due weighage to the socio economic and environmental features. The present study mainly aims to identify publically owned water resources and estimate the level of pollution and suggest the methods for conservation. It is also intended to suggest how the water resources affect the ground water level and quality. Monthly samplings were carried out. The different water and soil quality parameters were analysed and measures for conservation of these water sources were found out
Hydro geological control on groundwater quality and the effect of overexploitation with special reference to flouride
Name of PI and Affiliation:
J. Pradeep Kukillaya, Hydrogeologist, AGES, TVM
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 5,33,500/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
Occurrence of excessive fluoride in ground water is a problem face by many countries has set desirable and permissible limits of 1ppm and 1.5ppm respectively for fluoride in drinking water. Higher concentration can cause mottling of teeth, especially in tropical climates. The present study is the analysis of hydro geological control on groundwater and the effect of fluoride content in ground water resources. The study covers 81 dug wells, 82 bore wells, 12 tanks and 5 streams in eastern part of Palakkad. Fluoride analysis was done in 21 rock and 12 soil samples. 12 soil samples were analysed for physical and chemical characteristics. The influence on geology and surface water irrigation on groundwater chemistry, with special reference to fluoride was also studied.
Source characterization & Remediation of fluoride contamination in ground water resource of Chittur Block, Palghat
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. E. Shaji, Lecturer, Dept. of Geology, University of Kerala
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 6,62,200/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
Ground water is a major source for drinking and agricultural purposes in Chittur block, Palakkad district. High fluoride ground water is reported from Chittur block. Chittur block is situated in the eastern part of the Palakkad district, Kerala. This is one of the agrarian blocks of the district. The objective of the present study is to demarcate the high fluoride contaminated areas with source characterisation in Chittur block. The project envisages systematic survey and documentation on the hydro-geochemical scenario of the block
Attempt to solve the problem of drinking water shortage in Midlands of Kerala
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. K. M. Nair, Director, Earth Sciences (former Director CESS), SREDHA, Scientific Charitable Society, LBS Road, Palayam, TVM
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 7,93,760/-
18 months
Abstract of the Work:
Dug wells yielding no or sufficient water during the dry months of January to May in the midlands of Kerala is a recurring problem which has to be addressed at the earliest. The present work is an attempt to solve the problem of drinking water in midland of Kerala. The study was conducted in Thumpamon Grama Panchayt and a small part of the Pandalam Thekkakara panchayth.50 dug wells were monitored for 30 months.26 of these wells were seasonal, drying up for 2-7 months/year and others were perennial. Within 3m distance from dug wells facing acute water shortage, 5 numbers of 1m deep rain water collecting pits lined by concrete rings were made and roof water from the houses nearby was directed to the pits. The most significant finding is the rain water pits and bore hole combination near the wells that have penetrated 6m of vermicular laterirte started yielding water and continued even during the peak dry months of February and March
Studies on the utilisation of Hazardous solid waste from Titanium Dioxide industries in Kerala
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. P.K. Jayasree, Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 9,87,800/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
The main aim of the project proposal is to characterize the sludge waste from industries in Kerala producing Titanium dioxide with respect to engineering, chemical and mineralogical properties. The project also proposes to study the applicability of the electro kinetic remediation technique in the decontamination of sludge waste. Collection of sludge samples from the factories and its characterization is carried out. The samples were collected from Travancore Titanium Products and Kerala Metals and Minerals. Industrial and engineering properties were determined to understand the engineering behavior of the sample. Chemical constituents present in the metal were identified by conducting X-ray diffraction tests, AAS tests etc.
A comprehensive study on the paleo- climate and environment of origin, of the Quilon limestone based on carbonate petrography, micro- palaeontology and clay Minerology toelucidate the Geomorphic evolution of the State
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. Mathew. K. Jacob, Reader, Dept. of Geology
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 8,45,350/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
The grey fossiliferous clayey limestone found, and reported at Padappakara eventually became the type area of the Quilon limestone beds. According to the present knowledge the oldest sedimentary formation in Kerala is represented by the Vaikom beds. In the project, a detailed study of all available published literature related to the Tertiaries of Kerla and in particular Quilon limestone formation was done. An inventory sample of limestone and associated rocks was made during the first four months by way of fiueld work in and around Padappakara, Kanjirode, Thazhuthala, Kottiyam, Kollam, Mayyanad, Kalarkode, Paravoor, Chavara, Karunagapally, Panmana, Alappuzha etc. Geochemical, Micro palaeotological, Macro palaentologcal and ICP studies were conducted. A preliminary map of the Palaeo-basin is prepared as a part of the project. A location map was prepared indicating places of limestone recovery and exposure both from open wells and from bore wells.
Studies on development and management of water conservation and measures to augment of water conservation and measures to augment water availability of Surangans aa traditional and unique method of harnessing groundwater in rural areas of North Kerala and South Karnataka
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. A.C. Mathew , CPCRI, Kasaragod
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 11,00,000/-
3 years
Abstract of the Work:
Surangam is a unique indigenous method of harnessing ground water. Once constructed, surangam can yield water free of cost for many years without much maintenance cost. The project proposes to study the suitability of various lining materials that could be imparted to the tanks to reduce water loss through seepage. It is also proposed to study the efficacy of various water conservation measures to augment ground water resources. The study was conducted by taking 7 surangams including two as controls, which is provided by the local panchayats. The various parameters like water conveyance efficiency, water storage efficiency, constraints in the construction and maintenance of surangams, discharge of surangams were analysed.
Augmentation of groundwater recharge in the over-exploited Kasargod block, north Kerala: Development of a GIS based decision support system
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. Rajesh Reghunath, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geology
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 7,04,000/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
Water is fundamental for life and health. The human right to water is indispensable for leading a healthy life in human dignity. The amount of fresh water that available for human use is less than 0.08% of all the water on the planet. The need for adequate supplies of fresh water in not only importance but also for the maintenance and survival of natural ecological systems. The proposed study aims to find out suitable sites and site specific methods for water conservation and artificial recharging of groundwater. It also proposed to develop an information system on spatial platform for better decision making. Basic data about geological and geomorphological features, morphometry, surface and sub surface structures, aquifer geometry,land use/cover etc will be collected and processed.